The decision to restore teeth through the dental implant procedure is no small decision, though it’s one that many patients successfully make each year. Dental implants represent the second-best option for healthy, natural teeth. Millions of Americans struggle with missing teeth, which is why the team at Ponderosa Dental Center wants to introduce you to the multitude of replacement options — including dental implants.
The Dental Implant Advantage
Dental implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone and then a crown is used in place of the natural tooth to fill the empty gap. When compared to traditional dentures, implants provide stability to surrounding teeth and they won’t shift when eating or talking.
Aside from restoring one’s ability to functionally chew, implants also provide a cosmetic benefit. They have the unique advantage of preventing jawbone shrinkage from bone loss, as well as preserving the surrounding gums. This is especially helpful for patients who are prone to bone loss, as this can prevent a multitude of issues down the line.
Who is a Candidate for the Dental Implant Procedure?
If you’re missing one or several teeth and you don’t want to deal with the instability of dentures, dental implants have likely come up in discussions with your dentist. The first step of determining eligibility for the dental implant procedure is to set up an evaluation with your doctor. This initial assessment will involve an examination of your mouth, along with a review of health records and a general discussion of what the procedure entails.
An X-ray can help a dentist get a closer look at what type of bone structure they may be working with. Patients who have enough bone density in their jaw often won’t require bone reconstruction, such as bone grafting. If you suffer from bone loss, this doesn’t necessarily preclude you from getting implants but there will be additional steps to take to ensure a healthy and successful implantation.
Lifestyle habits, such as tobacco use, and other chronic conditions, such as diabetes and cancer, may also interfere with the implant procedure. Patients will have a difficult time healing after the surgical component. Any signs of gum disease will need to be treated before implantation can begin. Discuss details with your Ponderosa Dental Center doctor and they can give you the most up-to-date advice on dental implants and any conditions you may be facing.
Dental Implants in Bend, OR
Dental implants benefit from a high rate of success, so it’s integral that Dr. Benjamin De Graff completes thorough evaluations of his patients to ensure that their investment is a good one. Candidates for dental implants must commit to upholding the recommended oral care routine if they want to see excellent, long-lasting results. Schedule a consultation at Ponderosa Dental Center today to see how we can help you reach your smile goals.