4 Ways Your Dentist in Bend Uses Technology at Their Practice

added on: July 23, 2019

Dentistry is constantly evolving – to stay on the cutting edge, every preventive, restorative and cosmetic dentist in Bend needs to keep learning new techniques and adopting new technologies. At Ponderosa Dental Center, Dr. De Graff is always looking for ways to provide more comfortable, efficient care for his patients, and that means always making sure he has the best tools for the job. Here are 4 ways your dentist is using advanced dental services & technology to keep your smile healthy and bright.

1. Digital X-rays

There are many places in your mouth – such as between the teeth and under the gum line – that aren’t readily visible during a normal exam. Unfortunately, numerous oral health problems can develop in these areas, such as bone loss in the jawbone. X-rays are an essential tool for detecting such issues so they can be treated.

Modern digital X-rays produce about 90% less radiation compared with traditional dental X-rays; as such, they’re a lot safer and more comfortable to take. They’re also more efficient and don’t require the use of a dark room to develop the final pictures. They’re an invaluable tool for any dentist in Bend.

2. Intraoral Camera

It’s important for patients to understand their own symptoms, but sometimes it can be hard for the dentist to explain without a visual aid. That’s why Dr. De Graff will sometimes use intra-oral cameras to show you what’s going on inside of your mouth. The camera puts the image on a screen right next to the chair, letting you see exactly what the dentist sees. The better you understand the situation, the easier it will be to make informed decisions about what treatments to pursue.

3. CT/Cone Beam Scanner

Sometimes regular examinations and x-rays aren’t enough; in these cases, a Cone Beam CT scanner can be used to create a 3D image of the inside of your mouth, displaying your dental structures, soft tissues, nerve paths and craniofacial bones in great detail. This can be used for a variety of dental purposes, such as determining overall bone structure and tooth orientation in order to form a treatment plan.

4. Digital Impressions

You’ve probably had to take an impression for dental purposes in the past, and it likely involved dental impression putty. Not only can this material be messy and unpleasant tasting, but it’s also imprecise and can easily negatively impact your treatment with small errors. By using special intraoral scanners, we can create high-quality digital impressions. The process is faster, more accurate, and far more comfortable than traditional impression putty; it’s especially a great option if you have a strong gag reflex or sensitive teeth.

Whether they’re used for diagnostic purposes or treatment planning, these advanced tools are an excellent way for Dr. De Graff to ensure that he’s always giving his patients the best care available.

About the Author

Dr. De Graff was recently invited to join the Dental Assisting advisory Board at Central Oregon Community College and spends much of his time as dental mentor coaching and training other dentists on the use of advanced technology, which he believes is essential for preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dental work. To schedule an appointment at his practice, Ponderosa Dental Center, visit his website or call (541) 382-3691.

About The Author
Dr. Benjamin De Graff

Dr. Benjamin De Graff is a highly accomplished dentist with a decade of recognition as a "Top Dentist" in the Burlingame area. He holds specialty certifications in soft tissue lasers, SureSmile (clear aligners), and oral conscious sedation. He served as a faculty member at the Pacific School of Dental Hygiene Program from 2014 to 2019. Dr. Benjamin is committed to ongoing education, averaging 60-80 hours annually to stay at the forefront of dental advancements.

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